Aluminium Die Casting Can Also Be Green

When you think of eco-friendly materials, aluminium isn’t the first thing that comes to mind. In fact, aluminium brings black smoke and dirty faces, not exactly the clean energy we think of when we think of renewable energy sources or ethically sourced materials. However, those in the die casting industry are pushing the environmental agenda, and making sure that aluminium die casting is good for the planet as well as its people.

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Sourcing the Materials

One of the main parts of making sure that a material is green is where and how it is sourced. The key is to make sure that suppliers are ethical and committed to reducing the impact that they, as a company, have on the environment, as well as the local community. Issues such as pollution and waste are closely monitored.

The Process

The process of die casting itself requires energy and may produce waste. Therefore, making sure that the process is conducted in a way that reduces the waste of energy and other waste is ideally the best route for the environment.

The furnaces that are used to smelt the metal can be an enormous source of wasted energy, but now there are machines available that are incredibly energy efficient, such as high-efficiency electric resistance furnaces and fully modulating gas-fired furnaces.

The wasted metal that is left over from previous casting can be used in new ones to minimise waste, ensuring that everything can be recycled. Anything left over from this controlled recycling can be sent to be further refined into pure aluminium oxides, which are used in many different industries.

Working Practices  

Committing to reducing waste and being as efficient as possible in our working practices will help supplement everything else that we’re doing in the production of your die casting. Things like listening and prompting customers to the delivery and packaging of their products can help reduce wasted materials and energy.

RD Castings

RD Castings is a company that does all of these things and more, including the latest innovative products that help the business recycle as much of its waste by-products as possible.

They are helping to promote an image of the die-casting industry – as well as the execution – of a sustainable and efficient way to manufacture metal products.

This post was sponsored by RD Castings.

Photo: Smelter from Shutterstock



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