Tag: Green Services

  • Attacking the Plastic Waste Epidemic Head On

    We were very pleased to discover this organization called the Plastic Bank.  It’s predicated on the idea that waste plastic, which is one of the world’s most daunting environmental challenges, possesses what they believe to be an “abundance of opportunity”. Their site, www.plasticbank.org, lays out the argument in very lucid terms and you come away…

  • Does Buying a Hybrid Car Make Sense?

    This is a cool blog post that came to me courtesy of a Cassie Davis. The argument here is is that the kind of car you drive should reflect your values. They point out that while it costs more to own a hybrid car, there are cost savings, and more importantly much lower carbon emissions.…

  • Does Buying a Hybrid Car Make Sense?

    This is a cool blog post that came to me courtesy of a Cassie Davis. The argument here is is that the kind of car you drive should reflect your values. They point out that while it costs more to own a hybrid car, there are cost savings, and more importantly much lower carbon emissions.…

  • Our Standards.

    Depending on how many signups we have on our site, I usually sit down on Sunday morning and go through all the listing applicants, separate out the ones that do qualify for listing from those who don’t, assign categories and then post their listings on the site. As we have grown (about 550 listings), I…