Month: August 2011

  • Solar Power More Expensive in U.S.

    The True Cost of Solar Power: The Pressure’s On, the latest global solar supply-chain cost study by PHOTON Consulting found that While PV module manufacturers have made considerable progress driving down the cost of solar in the U.S., decreases in inst…

  • Increase in Storm Damage Means More Stringent Building Standards

    Researchers from a team funded by the National Science Foundation have examined some of last spring’s massive tornado damage and conclude in a new report that more intensive engineering design and more rigorous, localized construction and inspection standards are needed to reduce property damage and loss of life. More…

  • Increase in Storm Damage Means More Stringent Building Standards

    Researchers from a team funded by the National Science Foundation have examined some of last spring’s massive tornado damage and conclude in a new report that more intensive engineering design and more rigorous, localized construction and inspection standards are needed to reduce property damage and loss of life. More…

  • Solar Power More Expensive in U.S.

    The True Cost of Solar Power: The Pressure’s On, the latest global solar supply-chain cost study by PHOTON Consulting found that While PV module manufacturers have made considerable progress driving down the cost of solar in the U.S., decreases in inst…

  • AFGE EPA Council Launches “Save the Environment” Campaign

    The American Federation of Government Employees National Council #238 of EPA Locals today launched its “Save the Environment—Save the EPA” campaign to bring attention to the dangerous impacts the draconian budget cuts proposed by Congress would have on the ability of the EPA to protect our nation’s human health and the environment. More…