Letters & Links from Students

The following note comes from Layla Russell, who works with young students interested in solar energy. When I asked Layla to describe the nature of the links she and her students had sent, she wrote,

“I think the best way to describe how they found them useful would be that they all incorporate something either explaining Solar energy or describing positives future generations can take from it.  During working on the project, the first step was to learn about what Solar energy was and be able to understand that, especially for some of the younger children.  The next step was understanding how it works and what it can be used for.  Seeing some of the current practical uses of it now and what is possible in the future was the final step.  These sites all included good information that provided them with all these things.  The kids of different ages did a great job helping each other out during each step.  They did find other resources that were used, these just seemed the most relevant for your site as well we thought. ”

solar panel install by young tech shutterstock_136832168

Below is the original note, with links:


That’s great!  I think your visitors would like these resources I dug up from our research…they all seemed to have some good information we used:





Let me know if you decide to add any or all.  I’m sure the kids would still get a kick out of it!  Hope they help!


Layla :)

Thanks to all for the links and your interest in this project!

Photo: Young technician installing solar panels on factory roof from Shutterstock

[source: http://feeds.importantmedia.org/~r/IM-greenbuildingelements/~3/-fBp4cg3294/]


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