What is your wild prediction for the solar industry in 2016?

solar industry question

It is no secret that 2016 is going to be one busy, wild and possibly uncertain time for the solar industry as the expiration of the 30 percent Investment Tax Credit (ITC) at year’s end will lead to a ton of large projects and then, potentially, a severe drop off.

But, what else? (Is there anything else?)

As we prep for our January/February 2016 edition of Solar Builder, we wanted to hear from you, loyal Solar Builder reader, on your thoughts about the upcoming year, with the best responses finding their way into that edition.

What is your wild prediction for the solar industry 2016?

This can be about your local area, your segment of the industry, labor shortage, massive layoffs, a 30,000-ft view of the global industry, something about install or O&M trends or maybe a doomsday scenario you foresee. Anything. Don’t let the question or the text box restrict you. Just make it wild.

2016 outlook

— Solar Builder magazine

[source: http://solarbuildermag.com/news/what-is-your-wild-prediction-for-the-solar-industry-in-2016/]


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