California Energy Commission certifies Lion Energy energy storage system


Lion Energy’s residential smart energy storage system, the Lion Sanctuary 12K, has been certified by the California Energy Commission’s Solar Equipment List Program. As part of the initiative, Lion Energy is coordinating with solar installers in California to provide energy storage systems to residents and helping customers take advantage of state and nationwide incentives to store energy.

“California’s approach to net metering has been successful in reducing demand on the grid, but as electricity needs shift it is essential to address grid reliability issues during the peak evening hours when solar is unavailable,” said Tyler Hortin, president of Lion Energy. “We are launching this initiative to incentivize California home and business owners to use energy storage systems to gain true energy independence and create a supply that doesn’t overwhelm the grid.” 

For the past 20 years, California has enabled more than 1.3 million customers to install roughly 10,000 megawatts of renewable energy and reduce the midday demand on electrical systems by 25% through NEM 1.0 and NEM 2.0.

With the recently enacted NEM 3.0, the value of credits for excess solar exported to the grid has been drastically reduced, which in turn reduces the value of solar. In addition, customers are only able to lock in rates for nine years.

Home energy storage solutions, such as the Lion Sanctuary 12K and the Lion POWERsave, can offset this lost value for home and business owners by collecting energy from the grid or solar panels during lower peak pricing periods and allocating that energy for use during peak pricing periods. 

Lion Energy will provide homeowners in California wishing to combine a Lion Sanctuary 12K system with a new solar installation with a vetted provider in their area that can sell the unit and provide installation fitted to each home’s needs. 

For larger energy needs such as in offices and businesses, the Lion POWERsave provides flexible modular solutions that can be customized to meet larger, more specific energy storage needs with power and capacity ranging from 30kW/100kWh to 1.7MW/3.4MWh. Both solutions are designed to help users regain control of their own energy and rely less on the grid.’ 

“It is important that all Californians adopt energy storage as soon as possible because the solutions that have worked in the past are no longer enough,” said Hortin. “The monetary benefits of these energy storage systems alone are significant, but additionally residents and business owners will be empowered to fuel California’s clean energy goals. We hope that through this initiative, we can help keep the lights on and pave the way for a more sustainable world.” 

— Solar Builder magazine



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