Category: Texas
Four Lessons From the U.S. for Countries About to be Fracked
Methane, like carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas. But methane is 105 times more powerful than carbon dioxide, making even modest leaks of methane dangerous to the stability of the climate.
The Global Progress of Composting Food Waste
As municipal food composting programs spread across North America and Europe, no city faces a more daunting task than …
High Levels of Arsenic Found in Groundwater Near Fracking Sites
A recently published study by researchers at the University of Texas at Arlington found elevated levels of arsenic and other heavy metals in groundwater near natural gas fracking sites in Texas’ Barnett Shale.
Why Do Children’s Toys Contain Toxic Cadmium?
The chemical is linked to many serious disorders. The federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention ranks cadmium seventh out of 275 hazardous substances in the environment. The federal Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry cites studie…
Fossil Fuel Industry Continues to Squash Renewable Energy Age
To survive this era, humanity must become much smarter about this new kind of energy and then take the steps necessary to compress the third carbon era and hasten in the Age of Renewables before we burn ourselves off this planet.