Category: Texas

  • Enabling Greed Makes U.S. Sick

    As long as there are insufficient checks and balances on big business and its powerful lobbies, we are at their mercy. Their ability to buy off public officials is an assault on democracy and a threat to our lives and health. When an entire political s…

  • DOE Approves Second Fracked Gas LNG Export Terminal

    DeSmogBlog By Steve Horn Friday is the proverbial “take out the trash day” for the release of bad news among public relations practitioners and this last Friday was no different.  In that vein, yesterday the Department of Energy (DOE) announced a conditional approval for the second-ever liquefied natural gas (LNG) export terminal.  LNG is the super-chilled…

  • Is Your State Home to One of the 20 Worst Water Polluters?

    “This report reveals that a small number of entities account for much of the hazard posed by water pollution. By strengthening key environmental protections, we can begin to stop this toxic flood and ensure that communities have access to safe, clean, …

  • The Price of Our Fertilizer Addiction

    OTHERWORDS — Meanwhile, fertilizer runs off, polluting nearby waterways. And because fertilizer is made with natural gas—often obtained these days via the extreme drilling process known as fracking—it devastates the environment when it’s …

  • Big Oil Rakes in Huge First Quarter Profits

    CENTER FOR AMERICAN PROGRESS — The five biggest oil companies are making tens of billions of dollars in profits, while paying artificially low, ineffective federal tax rates and low royalties for taking and producing oil and gas owned by all Americans …