Electriq Power expands storage access in Puerto Rico, Washington D.C.


Electriq Power, a provider of intelligent energy storage and management for homes and small businesses, is expanding its partnerships with Barrio Eléctrico and SEDC Solar to deliver energy storage to households in Puerto Rico and Washington D.C., respectively.

Barrio Eléctrico and SEDC Solar each work to install solar and energy storage systems with zero up-front costs in their communities. Barrio Eléctrico focuses on Puerto Rican homes, while SEDC Solar covers households, small businesses, and churches in and around the Washington D.C. region. Electriq’s PowerPod 2 battery-based energy storage systems will now be able to help many more households and organizations reduce their reliance on fossil fuels while also reducing their electricity costs.

Electriq has been working with Barrio Eléctrico and SEDC Solar since mid-2022 to achieve the shared goals of helping families in Puerto Rico and Washington D.C. to secure reliable and affordable electricity. The success of the two programs has paved the way for the next phase, further strengthening the partnership through firm commitment for Electriq’s battery storage systems.

Puerto Rico | Barrio Eléctrico’s community-based energy services work with local groups and municipalities to create a solar economy that gives homes and families access to affordable solar energy plus batteries.

The Department of Energy’s commitment of $450 million from the Puerto Rico Energy Resilience will significantly increase residential solar and energy storage. Barrio Eléctrico’s Home Solar Program is in full operation and ready to support the distribution of solar and energy storage to the 40,000 homes the DOE intends to serve.

“Puerto Rico has huge economic potential, but is held back by unreliable electricity,” says Lauren Rosenblatt, Founder and Acting CEO of Barrio Eléctrico. “Our vision is to empower communities to take control of their own electricity. With committed partners like Electriq we aim to make that vision a reality as quickly as possible.”

Washington D.C. | Through the SEDC Solar program, qualifying homeowners, churches, and businesses across the Washington D.C. metro area have access to rooftop solar panels, battery installation, and ongoing repairs and maintenance for 20 years at no cost to the home or business owner – providing them with clean, reliable, low-cost energy.

The SEDC Solar program’s benefits also extend to the local community with job creation and training in technical installation and repairs, as well as roles in both sales and marketing. As an example, for every 50 homes or 12 churches, the program hires and trains one employee to ensure system efficiency, quality, and to further the program’s reach within local communities.

“This program is an opportunity to level the playing field for access to clean energy in the D.C. area,” says Thomas Jones, President of SEDC Solar. “Clean energy means good jobs, protection against rising utility bills, and a healthier future for our environment for generations to come. We are proud to partner with Electriq to expand the program and deliver those benefits to even more residents and businesses.”

— Solar Builder magazine

[source: https://solarbuildermag.com/news/electriq-power-expands-storage-access-in-puerto-rico-washington-d-c/]






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