I had a few requests today at work for clarifications on LEED fees, presumably because they’re a little hard to find or that they require 3-4 clicks to get to from the main website and my coworkers are lazy (just kidding… please don’t fire me!)

Perhaps an unfair picture for this post, but then again…
As a result, I thought all you LEED power users might appreciate a post that will link directly to fees for every rating system. In each case, fees all versions of the rating system are indicated:
- LEED New Construction
- LEED for Schools
- LEED for Core and Shell (includes fees for LEED-CS Precertification)
- LEED for Commercial Interiors
- LEED for Existing Buildings, Operations and Maintenance (includes fees for recertification)
- LEED for Neighborhood Development (includes fees for all review stages)
- LEED for Homes (does not include fees for LEED Provider or Green Rater)
- LEED Green Associate Exam (includes Credentialing Maintenance costs)
- LEED Accredited Professional Exam (includes all specialties and Credentialing Maintenance costs)
- LEED for Homes Green Rater Exam
So that’s that, and I hope it makes you’re life slightly easier… If any of these links break please let me know by leaving a comment!
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