Hot-spots remain an issue for various module types and present long-term issues for owners of older PV systems. The term hot-spot refers to the excessive heating in an area of a solar panel — a raise in temperature that may result from a drop in the output of electric current in one or more cells of a string. The drop in output occurs from shading, dirt, dust, snow, and manufacturing defects.
But the R&D team at AE Solar has solved the problem with a true hot-spot free module. The Hot-Spot Free Modules developed by AE Solar use bypass diodes to eliminate the development of hot-spots and thus the damages and risks associated.
The temperature of Hot-Spot cells within AE Smart Hot-Sport Free Modules does not exceed 85°C. This temperature management eliminates material hazard, the safety of the module and its surroundings. Available from 260W to 350W range, the AE Smart Hot-Spot Free Modules offer up to 30% more power output compared to standard PV Modules thanks to their improved efficiency. The module was tested by Fraunhofer Center for Silicon Photovoltaics and the results showed the highest efficiency at real conditions with resistance to shading.
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This added efficiency translates into less modules needed and less space required for installation. Space Saving for PV plants by using Smart Modules compared to standard “non-smart” modules Temperature of cells does not exceed operating temperature of PV modules. No reduction of PV module stability and no fire risk from hot-spots.
In a standard module, the impact of shading on a single cell affects a whole string, while an AE SOLAR SMART
MODULE with HOT-SPOT FREE technology loses the output of only one single cell during the shading.
The video above explains the concept in more detail.
— Solar Builder magazine
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