Guest Post: 2012 Cost Savings Rewrite for Partner

Saving $82 Million by Cutting Over A Billion Pounds in CO2 Emissions

row of light bulbs and energy save bulb shutterstock_129363341

In 2012, Precision Paragon saved businesses $82 million in energy costs & reduced CO2 emissions from the environment by 1 billion pounds. That’s $82 million that can be spent on new jobs, equipment and business expansion. We think money spent on employees and growth is a better use than high energy bills.

While environmentally friendly business practices are often viewed as an added cost, energy efficient lighting is one area where cost savings and environmental benefits go hand in hand. Take for instance a recent retrofit completed on a tennis court just outside of Chicago; this custom – engineered retrofit has a payback period of just two years.

If we look at the environmental savings in 2012, CO2 reductions delivered by [P2] products are equivalent to saving over 6,500 acres of forest from destruction.

“We don’t generally present ourselves as primarily an environmentally focused company,” explains Joe Martin, vice president and general manager “but with our products, there’s no separating the cost savings from the environmental benefits.”

Martin goes on to explain another milestone for P-2: “Reducing greenhouse gas emissions by over a billion pounds is another milestone in what we’ve been doing since we opened our doors 20 years ago. Our products help businesses save money, and they help out the planet along the way.” 

Data Sources: Greenhouse gas equivalents listed in this article are calculated using the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s guidelines.

Cost savings listed in this article are calculated using the average retail price in the commercial sector for the year to date listed in the U.S. Energy Information Administration’s Electric Power Monthly for November 2012.  

Author: Danielle Stewart 

Photo: Row of light bulbs and energy save bulb from Shutterstock



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