Climate change issues have forced contractors to look for some eco-friendly solutions in order to reduce the carbon-dioxide that exists. Alternative building materials such as steel framed buildings are becoming popular.
Steel is used more now, not only for building commercial and industrial proper ties, but also for homes. Statistics have shown that 50,000 steel framed houses were built in 1997 and an impressing number of 500,000 steel framed houses were constructed in the last 10 years.
But what makes a steel building eco-friendly? Here are some important tips for an individual who is interested in buying a steel framed house:
Less waste during construction
Steel-framed houses are easily put together and there is practically no waste, no noise or dust to upset your neighborhood. Waste is one of the biggest factors when it comes to conventional methods of home building. We do not waste wood timber; we also don’t waste the water we need to wash up the mess a conventional site leaves behind. A steel framed house also saves the fuel the workers use to commute, as the building procedure takes less time.
Good indoor air quality
Steel framed houses provide better indoor air quality because steel does not emit volatile organic compounds (VOCs) so there is no need for energy-consuming air-flow devices. It also regulates the humidity level to an acceptable 45-50 percent. Due to this fact, the occupant doesn’t need to use dehumidifiers which contain different chemical agents.
Steel-paneled walls are energy-saving
A steel-framed house supports thicker layers of insulation, thus significantly decreasing the temperature loss and consequently saving additional energy. A common steel-framed insulated house can save up to 30 percent of energy costs.
Prevent 10 trees from being cut down
An average construction needs about ten trees. In the U.S. 1.6 million houses are built a year. This means that 16 million trees are cut down yearly, contributing to the greenhouse effect.
No formaldehyde substances
Steel framed houses do not require different types of treatments against mold, decay or various insects. Some mold-resistant treatments are using several formaldehyde-based agents which is released into the air. Steel is resistant to mold, rot, termite and insects infestation.
Maximum protection against fire
A steel-framed home is practically fire-proof. This dramatically reduces the risk to produce major damage in case a fire starts.
Steel is the most sustainable structural material. It allows us to reduce the waste, recycle and reuse it without losing its properties during the recycling process. Steel is 98 percent recyclable. What is more, a steel-framed house offers protection against earthquakes and can withstand 160 MPH winds.
Steel roofing ensures maximum energy conservation. A steel-framed roof with heat-deflecting coatings and finishes can prevent major consumption rates. It can save up to 30 percent of cooling and heating costs.
A steel framing roof is highly emissive. Steel roofing radiates heat away, keeping the house cool. It doesn’t store the heat it receives from the sun, reducing the greenhouse effect. Because the heat is reflected and not stored, the need for a cooling system decreases, reducing the electricity bill during a hot summer. Since the heat is not stored, there are less temperature differences between night and day, increasing the occupants comfort.
A steel-framed house is a green initiative as it can help protect the environment in many different ways. It provides the home owner with a healthy, eco-friendly envirnonment, as well saves the owner energy costs in the long run. If you are looking to purchase a metal building, look to Future Steel Buildings.
This post was sponsored by Future Steel.
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