The variety of solar panel configurations over the years has really been a headache for installers and balance of system providers. Six solar module manufacturers have launched a joint initiative to standardize designs for the next wave of higher power (700W+) modules.
The 700W+ Photovoltaic Open Innovation Ecological Alliance launched on Dec. 15 and includes Trina Solar, Astronergy, Canadian Solar, Risen Energy, TCL Zhonghuan and Tongwei. The initiative, which calls for all PV companies to promote standardization of module dimensions and the industrialization of ultra-high-power and ultra-high-efficiency modules, will push the industry one step further toward industrializing 700W+ PV modules.
Based on the standard dimensions of 700W+ ultra-high power modules, alongside the “T/CPIA 0003-2022 Technical Specification for Crystalline Silicon Terrestrial Photovoltaic Module Dimensions and Mounting Holes” document issued by the China Photovoltaic Industry Association, the six manufacturers have proposed that 700W modules in all PV companies should adhere to existing agreed industry dimensions:
- module size: 2384mm x 1303mm
- module long-side vertical hole distance: 400mm/1400mm
- and a hole distance of 790mm has been added to the standard.
Reducing LCOE through enhancing module efficiency and power output has become an inexorable trend in the industry. The companies said with the collaborative efforts of PV open innovation ecological alliance, the PV industry entered 600W+ era three years ago. Nowadays, power output of PV modules has been upgraded from 600W+ to 700W+ with the application of n-type high-efficiency cell technology (TOPCon, HJT, etc) and G12 (210mm) large-format wafer technology.
— Solar Builder magazine
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