Tag: Air

  • Fish Feeling the Heat from Global Warming

    The findings provide an indicator of the effect that climate change has on the distribution and abundance of fish. The study also points to the need for wildlife officials in New England and around the world to give fish and the ecosystems they rely up…

  • Groups Voice Concerns as Senate Confirms Moniz as Secretary of Energy

    President Obama selected Dr. Ernest Moniz, a scientist and professor at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, as his choice to run the DOE. His confirmation has received mixed responses from health and environmental advocates …

  • Big Oil Gets a Much Needed Reality Check

    For the first time, world renowned economists, scientists and academics have come together to present peer-reviewed, easy to understand facts about the tar sands that counter misinformation spread by the oil industry’s glossy PR machine …

  • 97 Percent of Scientists Agree Climate Change is Man-Made

    TckTckTck A new analysis of scientists’ articles on global warming and climate change has found almost unanimous agreement that humans are the main cause. The comprehensive examination of peer-reviewed articles on global warming showed an overwhelming consensus among scientists that much of the recent warming is anthropogenic—the result of human activities. The study, led by Skeptical…

  • Part II: How the Media Help the Koch Brothers and ExxonMobil Spread Climate Doubt

    Union of Concerned Scientists By Elliott Negin [Editor’s note: Elliott Negin, director of news and commentary at the Union of Concerned Scientists, shows how the U.S. news media routinely fail to inform the public about the fossil fuel industry funders…