Tag: Air

  • ALEC Calls for ‘Guerilla Warfare’ in Weakening Carbon Emissions Standards

    By Aliya Haq The American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), a clandestine network of corporations and conservative state lawmakers, had its annual “policy summit” last week in Washington, D.C. The group held a special session to discuss upcoming U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) carbon-pollution standards for power plants. According to reports, ALEC members and industry lawyers…

  • Science on Trial: Big Oil Funds Attacks on EPA Air Pollution Standards

    By Farron Cousins  Both the science behind climate change and the efficacy of life-saving safety standards from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) had a trying week in Washington, D.C., as industry-backed lawsuits and politicians attempted to undermine the entire scientific community. [caption id="attachment_315444" align="alignnone" width="500"] Last week, the EPA’s health standards on industry air…

  • East Coast Sick of Midwest’s Cross-State Air Pollution

    [caption id="attachment_314861" align="alignright" width="360"] Photo courtesy of Shutterstock[/caption] A group of East Coast states isn’t pleased with its Midwestern neighbors, at least when it comes to air pollution. The governors of states like Delaware, Connecticut and New York petitioned the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Monday in hopes that it will better regulate nine Rust Belt and Appalachian…

  • Chinese Media Criticized for Touting ‘Benefits’ of Shanghai’s Air Pollution

    For Chinese citizens worried about smog, which has been blanketing major cities and smashing air pollution records recently, China’s state media has some advice: look on the bright side. [caption id="attachment_314836" align="alignnone" width="500"] Shanghai’s concentration of toxic particulate matter (PM) reached 602.5 micrograms per cubic meter last week—the highest level since records began last December.…

  • National Walk to School Day Gets Kids Off the Bus, Reduces Pollution

    Organizers of the one-day event, now in its 16th year, say walking or bicycling to school results in a number of positive consequences …