Tag: bathroom
Air Flow Pathways in a Leaky Exterior Wall
Prime: prime Subtitle: I found some interesting air leakage evidence while remodeling my bathroom Images:&…
Building Tiny Homes as a Form of Addiction Therapy
Christopher Merklinger, a 56 year old recovering drug addict, build his first tiny house with the help an Amish community near Owen Sound, Canada. Today he runs his own tiny house company, Litl Hausen, and the daily effort of constructing these homes has become an integral part of his healing journey, and life in general.…
Reinventing the Toilet for the Benefit of All
Eawag, the Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology, recently developed a new and highly efficient composting toilet called Blue Diversion. Human waste has significant value, since it can provide fertilizer and phosphorus and the Blue Diversion toilet is able to successfully harvest both. These byproducts can also be sold at a profit, so…