Tag: Building Science
An Interview with Building Science Pioneer Terry Brennan
Prime: prime Subtitle: Stories from the early days of building science and more Images: Last week I got a chance to sit down and talk with Terry Brennan in Dallas at the Air BarrierBuilding assembly components that work as a system to restrict air flow through the building envelope. Air barriers may or may not…
The Fundamentals of Series and Parallel Heat Flow
Prime: prime Subtitle: The R-value of a building assembly depends on how heat can flow through it Images:&…
A Plethora of Building Science Conferences
Prime: prime Subtitle: Here’s my roundup of a whole bunch of the main conferences and then some Images: I love going to conferences. Since I changed my career in 2004, I’ve gone to building science, green building, and home performance conferences nearly every year. (I think I missed 2006, but I had a lot going…
Energy Efficiency Is Narrowing the Stupid/Hurt Gap
Subtitle: As homes become more energy efficient, the margin for error decreases Images: The gap is narrowing. Wh…
A Best Practices Manual That Can Help You with the Details
Subtitle: Hammer & Hand, a construction company from the Pacific Northwest, is sharing its best practices with everyone Images: …