Tag: climate change

  • Netflix: Please Stream BIDDER 70

    In 2008, climate activist Tim DeChristopher, disrupted a controversial a Bush-era Bureau of Land Management oil and gas lease auction by successfully bidding on parcels totaling $1.7 million. DeChristopher’s bidding effectively safeguarded 22,000 acres of pristine Utah land. Even though the auction was later deemed illegal, DeChristopher’s heroic act of non-violent civil disobedience got him…

  • Arctic Ocean: Carbon Sink or Carbon Source?

    By Jennifer Chu For the past three decades, as the climate has warmed, the massive plates of sea ice in the Arctic Ocean have shrunk: in 2007, scientists observed nearly 50 percent less summer ice than had been seen in 1980. [caption id="attachment_314190" align="alignnone" width="500"] While the Arctic Ocean as a whole seems to be…

  • 18 Graphics That Explain the Global Food Crisis and How to Solve It

    The world is projected to hold a whopping 9.6 billion people by 2050. Figuring out how to feed all these people—while advancing rural development, reducing greenhouse gas emissions and protecting valuable ecosystems—is one of the greatest challenges of our era. So what’s causing the global food challenge, and how can the world solve it? Here, courtesy…

  • James Hansen: 2C Temperature Rise Would Be ‘Disastrous’

    By Tim Radford Governments have set the wrong target to limit climate change. The goal at present—to limit global warming to a maximum of two degree Celsius higher than the average for most of human history—“would have consequences that can be described as disastrous,” say 18 scientists in a review paper in the journal PLOS…

  • People Around the Country Give #ClimateThanks

    This Thanksgiving, people around the country who have felt some of the most severe impacts of climate change have come together to thank people taking action—in large and small ways—to try to stop the unfolding catastrophe. This remarkable video shows people from Louisiana to Alaska standing together against the big money fossil fuel companies who are destroying…