Tag: Energy Efficiency

  • Life on the Road in Style

    Here is another van into home conversion done right. It was designed and created by builder, architect and entrepreneur Ross Lukeman who wished to enjoy the digital nomad life in style. He completed his van home about half a year ago and now lives in it full time. <img src=”http://www.jetsongreen.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/office.jpg” alt=”” width=”520″ height=”346″ class=”alignnone size-full…

  • Innovative Façade to Keep a Lebanese Bank Cool

    The new Banque Libano Francaise (BLF) building in Beirut, Lebanon will feature an interesting façade, which will also have the added benefit of keeping the inside temperature at a comfortable level. The building was also designed with economic, social and environmental sustainability in mind. The building is called The Magic Box, and it will feature…

  • Home in Japan Scaled to Fit and Irregular Lot

    Japan has very stringent building codes and high taxes on land, which means that most of the homes, especially in cities like Tokyo, get built on oddly-shaped lots. These are usually the result of existing plots of land getting further subdivided to accommodate several generations of a family. This peculiarity of Japan’s housing market has…

  • Off-Grid Recycling Plant Built Out of a Shipping Container

    While we have many options for recycling in developed areas of the world, such is not the case in remote, underdeveloped regions. Transporting plastic waste to a recycling plant from such areas is costly, but there is a new solution now. The so-called Trashpresso machine, created by the firm Miniwiz upcycles plastic waste into useful…

  • Are self-sustaining eco-communities the future?

    There is no longer any doubt left that finding more sustainable ways to live are crucial to ensure the continued survival of our planet. And that is exactly what the ReGen Village project aims to achieve. It will consist of several eco-villages, which will be built to be completely self-sustaining from the ground up. The…