Tag: Green Business

  • Unique Idea For Solving Urban Housing Shortage

    Architect Stéphane Malka of Paris, France, has come up with a unique and quite ambitious idea of creating new housing in his city. The system he proposes calls for prefabricated units to be added onto the existing building. This system is called “3box” and apart from creating additional livable space in this metropolis, it would…

  • 3D Printed House and Car Share Energy

    Architects from the firm SOM, in collaboration with the University of Tennessee and researchers from the US Department of Energy’s Oak Ridge National Laboratory have come up with an innovative tiny home design, which is based on the concept of “integrated energy”. The home is called Additive Manufacturing Integrated Energy Structure, or AMIE 1.0 and…

  • Affordable Homes Built From Plastic Waste

    The Mexican company EcoDomum has come up with a unique and very sustainable way of providing affordable housing for the less fortunate. They are manufacturing roofs and wall panels using discarded plastic, which they use to build homes with the help of a local housing programs. The end result is a large number of sustainable…

  • Eco Prefab Homes Made from Natural SIPs

    MAKAR, an architecture and design firm from Scotland is currently building very sustainable and eco-friendly homes. The homes they design are also constructed by local workmen, while the SIPs used to build them are all-natural and made from locally-source timber. These homes are also energy efficient and have very low carbon footprints. The homes they…

  • World’s Largest 3D Printer

    Big Delta is a 3D printer created by the Italian engineering company WASP (World’s Advanced Saving Project) and what sets it apart from other printers is it’s sheer size. It’s 40 feet (12 m) tall and was created with the purpose of rapidly building nearly free housing using local naturally occurring materials. As such it…