Tag: Insights
Trading Water for Fuel is Fracking Crazy
It would be difficult to live without oil and gas. But it would be impossible to live without water. Yet, in our mad rush to extract and sell every drop of gas and oil as quickly as possible, we’re trading precious water for fossil fuels. A recent report, Hydraulic Fracturing and Water Stress, shows the severity…
New York and California Introduce Legislation to Ban Plastic Microbeads in Cosmetics
Design matters more than recycling. Microbeads don’t make the cut, designed to wash down the drain into your local waterway. They are irrecoverable and therefore never recycled. Microbeads, those little polyethylene scrubbers in facial cleansers, are now on the way out thanks to the one-two legislative punch. The New York state district attorney’s office proposed…
Plan Shows Regulatory Agency and Fracking Industry in Cahoots to Promote Drilling in State Parks
Public documents reveal a plan by the Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR), the agency responsible for regulating fracking in Ohio, to work with “allied” groups to promote the controversial drilling technique in state parks. The “allied” groups named were both fracking industry and state regulatory bodies alike, drawing new criticisms to what many people…
How Smoking Pot Kills Wildlife
Marijuana illegally grown in the backwoods of Northern California uses large amounts of rat bait to protect their plants—and these chemicals are killing several species of wild animals, including rare ones, biologists say in a new report by NPR. According to the report, growers plant their marijuana in remote locations, hoping to elude detection. They…
Illinois Strip Mine Showdown is Last Best Hope
When besieged residents, already choked by toxic coal dust, face off with Peabody Energy officials on Feb. 18, in Harrisburg, at an Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (IEPA) hearing for a five-year strip mine expansion permit, more than 1,019 paltry acres will be at stake. As President Lincoln once invoked in a moment of crisis, the courageous residents in…