Tag: Insights
So Long, Pete & Toshi Seeger, It’s Been Amazingly Great to Know You …
Toshi and Pete Seeger defy description except through the sheer joy and honor it was to know them, however briefly. Their list of accomplishments will fill many printed pages, which all pale next to the simple core beauty of the lives they led. They showed us it’s possible to live lives that somehow balance political…
Is the U.S. Awash in Decades Worth of Cheap, Abundant Natural Gas and Oil?
We are about to be deluged with news reports that the U.S. is suddenly awash in decades worth of cheap, abundant supplies of natural gas and oil. Why? Because the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) has recently released a preview of their 2014 forecasts in which they predict energy trends within the U.S. through 2040.…
Keystone XL is a Sucker’s Deal For America and a Steal For Foreign Oil Interests
For years, TransCanada has been selling the Keystone XL pipeline to Americans with all of the enthusiasm of a used car salesman—and using all of the same tricks. However, one myth is more egregious than all the rest: this pipeline will enhance America’s energy independence. Apparently, Big Oil lobbyists and politicians take Americans for a…
Transporting Fossil Fuels: Rail vs. Pipeline is the Wrong Question
Debating the best way to do something we shouldn’t be doing in the first place is a sure way to end up in the wrong place. That’s what’s happening with the “rail versus pipeline” discussion. Some say recent rail accidents mean we should build more pipelines to transport fossil fuels. Others argue that leaks, high…
Does ‘Powering Forward’ Advise Obama to Frack Our Way to a Clean Energy Economy?
In a new 203-page report, Powering Forward: Presidential and Executive Agency Actions to Drive Clean Energy in America, former Democratic Gov. of Colorado Bill Ritter has published his recommendations to President Obama for how to transform our nation into a “clean energy economy” and fight climate change. Ritter, who heads the Center for the New Energy…