Tag: led

  • Guest Post: Eco-Friendly Construction

    There are tons of ways buildings are going green these days and there are new methods being seen every day. The best part about this is that not only are they great for the environment, but they’re sustainable and they’re just as good as traditional methods.

  • Edison-Inspired LED Lamp is Energy-Efficient Replacement for Incandescents

    Lighting Science Group Corporation® has launched a new line of LED lamps that can serve as direct replacements for traditional general purpose lighting. The Definity Professional A19 LED lamps have been created with lightweight aluminum CoolPoly® thermal material that results in a lighter, more efficient, and less expensive option than incandescents. The Definity Professional A19…

  • This Week in Energy News for March 15, 2013

    This week in Jetson Green Energy News, London might build a bicycle super-highway, KLM is flying planes with biofuel from old cooking oil, Australia might be reaching solar power saturation, U.S. green car sales are on the rise, Guatamala might get pay-as-you-go solar power, and we have new upcoming green events. London Mayor Proposes £913…

  • Guest Post: 2012 Cost Savings Rewrite for Partner

    While environmentally friendly business practices are often viewed as an added cost, energy efficient lighting is one area where cost savings and environmental benefits go hand in hand. Take for instance a recent retrofit completed on a tennis court just outside of Chicago; this custom – engineered retrofit has a payback period of just two…

  • The Month in Review: January 2013

    Here are some of the top stories in eco news for the month of January, 2013. Fiscal Cliff Deal in United States Extends Biofuel Incentives In Green Car News, the United States Senate signed off on a budget agreement that was designed to avoid the “fiscal cliff” and has been the center of debate. For…