Tag: moisture
Pete’s Product Puzzle: VersaDry
Subtitle: Simple folded metal solves a common moisture problem Images: I first “learned” about VersaDry when a colleague of mine here at BuildingGreen — our materials and product expert, Brent Ehrlich — sent me the photo reproduced at right. I was in the same boat you are right now: “OK, thanks for the photo, Brent,…
Is It Possible to Get Condensation on a Sponge?
Prime: prime Subtitle: A little building science puzzler on moisture and the properties of materials Image…
Is It Possible to Get Condensation on a Sponge?
Prime: prime Subtitle: A little building science puzzler on moisture and the properties of materials Image…
Pete’s Puzzle: Mold on Painted Clapboards is Food for Thought
Subtitle: There is mold on the factory-primed, latex top-coated wood clapboards on the south but not the north side of our house Images: Whenever my wife starts a conversation with, “OK, Mr. Building Scientist,” I know I am in some kind of trouble. That proved to be the case one day when we were out…
Pete’s Puzzle: Mold on Painted Clapboards is Food for Thought
Subtitle: There is mold on the factory-primed, latex top-coated wood clapboards on the south but not the north side of our house Images: Whenever my wife starts a conversation with, “OK, Mr. Building Scientist,” I know I am in some kind of trouble. That proved to be the case one day when we were out…