Tag: philippines
The Global Downfall of the Plastic Bag
The world’s strictest anti-plastic bag implementation strategy may be in Rwanda. Since a ban went into effect in 2008, airline…
Farmers Destroy ‘Golden Rice’ GMO Trials in Philippines
Filipino farmers destroyed an 800 square meter trial plot of genetically modified rice Thursday that was just weeks away from being sent to the authorities for a safety evaluation.
Fossil Fuel Industry Continues to Squash Renewable Energy Age
To survive this era, humanity must become much smarter about this new kind of energy and then take the steps necessary to compress the third carbon era and hasten in the Age of Renewables before we burn ourselves off this planet.
Renewable Energy Activists Unite Worldwide to End the Age of Dirty Coal
This weekend, activists showed they would not longer stand by allow the advancement of coal to threaten their futures. Standing together, they called for an end to …
Scaling Up Renewable Energy Implementation Required to Reach National Targets
The report highlights key findings and understanding of what factors are required in order to reach renewable energy targets at the national level based on lessons learned from experience in renewable energy policy …