Tag: policy

  • Q&A: Impacts of $7 billion Solar for All Funding | Jeff Cramer, CCSA

    In April, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency announced 60 selectees that will receive $7 billion in grant awards through the Solar for All grant program. The funding will support the deployment of robust solar developments to serve low-income and disadvantaged communities. Among the 60 selections awarded funding were states, territories, tribal governments, municipalities and nonprofits……

  • The ‘situationship’ of the solar industry and electric utilities

    In the ten-plus years that I’ve been in the solar energy industry, the general sentiment has been to avoid antagonizing electric utilities because we need them as partners for our very survival. Due to this mindset, many solar companies don’t call out electric utilities as direct competitors or question their monopoly status. In fact, the……

  • City officials need to stop excessive solar fees

    How much time does it take to review the smallest change in an approved residential solar project plan set? That was my question for David Lopez, the chief building official in Berkeley, Calif., after his plan checkers charged a $200 fee to review a new weatherproof label that goes on the cover of the electrical……

  • DOE commits nearly $70M to silicon, thin-film solar R&D

    The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) announced a $71 million investment to grow the network of domestic manufacturers across the U.S. solar energy supply chain — nearly two-thirds of which is going toward thin-film solar technology vs. silicon solar module projects. The funding is aimed at research, development, and demonstration projects that will address gaps……

  • CalReady VPP to double California grid support this summer, says Sunrun

    Sunrun is a leader in building virtual power plants (VPP). In California, Sunrun has networked more than 16,200 customers’ solar + storage systems via CalReady, the largest virtual power plant in the country. CalReady supports California’s electrical grid during the hot summer months. “We are on the forefront of a customer-led revolution to a cleaner,……