Tag: Renewables
Protesters at UN Climate Talks in Bonn: We Choose Renewable Energy. Stand With Us or Step Aside.
More than 100 people held a demonstration in Bonn, Germany today…
Obama Isn’t Killing Power Plants. The Sun Is.
President Barack Obama released this week his much-anticipated regulations for controlling carbon emissions. Opponents are…
Developing Countries Lead Global Surge in Renewable Energy Capacity
The number of developing nations with policies supporting renewable energy has surged more than six-fold…
16 Groups to Host Solar Parties, Unveil Technologies and #PutSolarOnIt During National Day of Action
June 21 is going to be a big day for solar energy and its supporters…
Solar Energy Dominates First Quarter With 74 Percent of New Electric Capacity
There is now enough solar energy in the U.S. to power 3 million homes…