Tag: Savant Power

  • Smart home installation ideas for solar pros

    Interest in home electrification is growing. Same goes for the product ecosystems that — much like the rug in The Big Lebowski — tie the whole electric home together. Given the ebbs and flows of the solar market, solar installers might be wise to incorporate some of these ancillary “home electrification” services and “smart home”……

  • Savant, GE Appliances pitch fully connected, net zero homes with EcoBalance

    GE Appliances and Savant Systems want homeowners to take total control of their home energy with a new, collaborative concept called the GE Appliances EcoBalance System. Homeowners and builders can work with an expert to create an integrated package of energy efficient smart products from GE Appliances and Savant that will work together to achieve……

  • Smarten up electric panels to avoid utility upgrades

    Increasingly, homeowners know that electrifying everything has advantages, from improving indoor air quality to cutting power bills to lowering a home’s carbon footprint. The wish list of electrical appliances includes induction stoves, EV chargers, hybrid water heaters, and electric heat pumps. Add to that the desire to improve resilience or gain energy independence by adding……

  • Energy Storage System Buyer’s Guide 2024

    The energy storage system market for homes and businesses is crowded with entries from all types of suppliers. Legacy PV inverter and module brands are rounding out their product portfolios. Off-grid and portable power providers are now offering battery systems for grid-tied customers. Smart home and high-end consumer electronic companies want to fold power and……

  • Bidirectional EV charging is a big deal, but is it ready to roll?

    When Ford unveiled the Lightning F150 in May of 2021, it revealed something fundamentally different: it was not just an EV, it was a battery on wheels. As someone who has sat through power outages with the equivalent of four Powerwalls-worth of batteries parked in my driveway, useless, Ford did what seems obvious now: it……