Tag: tiny office

  • Work From Home in Style and Sustainability

    Even when you work from home, it’s important to have your own workspace or office, which is separated from the rest of the living areas. Still, it’s sometimes hard to have that, especially when living small. But architect Petr Stolín from the Czech Republic came up with a very clever way to achieve this work/living…

  • An Awesome Towable Tiny Office

    Perhaps living in a tiny home isn’t quite feasible for most people, but I’m sure many entrepreneurs would appreciate their own tiny mobile office. And this one fits the bill perfectly. It was designed by the creators of the Minim House and is called the Minim Workspace. It’s towable and can even run off-the-grid. And…

  • Sol Pod Makes a Great Workspace

    Vina Lustado, a designer from California recently created a quaint tiny studio. It’s a mobile (towable) structure, which can serve many purposes, such as an additional workspace, home office, guesthouse, or even vacation cabin. It’s called Sol Pod and, as the name suggests, it gets its electricity from the sun. The mobile studio is made…

  • Downsizing to a Mobile Office

    Downsizing makes a lot of sense not just for home owners, but also for business owners. The same question applies to both, namely how much space do we really need to live a good and productive life? The architectural firm Studio106 from New Zealand was recently faced with this question, when the renewal of their…