• Uranium Titan Tumbles

    High drama hits the world of the former U.S. Enrichment Corporation as a shareholder rebellion drubs the company stock price, restructuring and bankruptcy rumors swirl, safety issues …

  • Kentucky’s Nuclear Future Melts Down to Lawsuits

    The Commonwealth of Kentucky may sue the federal government to compel cleanup of the now-closing uranium enrichment site at Paducah, according to the governor and the state attorney general. The quasi-privatized operator …

  • Nuclear Dominoes Fall in California and Kentucky

    Southern California Edison has abandoned plans to restart its two nuclear reactors at San Ofre. The announcement this morning comes exactly one week after termination of operations at the Paducah, Kentucky, uranium enrichment plant, which for decades …

  • Stiffed USEC Sues Feds in Nuclear Slugfest

    The United States Enrichment Corporation, the contracting subsidiary of USEC Inc.—the company that now produces nothing—has filed a lawsuit in the Court of Federal Claims seeking $38 million in back-bill payment from the …

  • Slow Cooker at Paducah Comes to a Boil

    Last week on EcoWatch, I predicted that negotiations between USEC Inc. and the Department of Energy (DOE) over extension of operations at the Paducah uranium enrichment plant would fail, and that principal power-down would happen as scheduled around Ma…