Tag: vegetarian

  • How to Avoid Factory Farmed Foods

    There are plenty of reasons to boycott factory farms, including your health, animal welfare and the environment. It can be challenging to avoid foods produced from animals raised on factory farms, given how dominant factory farming has become. But it’s possible. Here are some suggestions from the Organic Consumers Association: [caption id="attachment_313472" align="alignnone" width="500"] Photo credit:…

  • Guess How One Nation’s Army is Fighting Climate Change

    By Kristina Chew Here’s the Norwegian army’s plan to fight climate change: have everybody go meatless once a week. Norwegian troops will be eating vegetarian meals on Mondays to cut their consumption of ecologically unfriendly foods whose production contributes heavily to global warming. Spokesman Eystein Kvarving says the plan is meant to be “a step to protect our climate” by serving food…