Tag: Wind Power
MIT Clean Energy Prize Narrows Cleantech Innovators Field
Fifteen teams from a dozen universities are currently going through mentoring at the MIT Clean Energy Prize competition – only one will walk away with the $200,000.
Wind Done Right: Savvy Electric Co-op Honored
The Iowa Lakes Electric Cooperative is the DOE’s Wind Cooperative of the Year after getting local wind power up and running quickly and with big cost savings.
Wind Power And Birds—Did Obama Get It Right?
The all-of-the-above Obama administration institutes new guidelines that it says will allow for wind power development while protecting wildlife.
Wind Roars To Record 4,039 MW In Northwest
Wind power, which hasn’t always found a home on the Pacific Northwest grid, hits a record 4,039 megawatts, beating gas, coal and nuclear combined.
More Clean Energy Doesn’t Mean Less Dirty Energy
Sociologist Richard York finds that historically, energy tech advances haven’t led to less use of fossil fuels, and fears that could be true for wind and solar.