CEA reports ‘major safety issues’ in 97 percent of solar rooftop audits

Melted connector image from our archives.

Hot on the heels of HelioVolta’s report that over 60 percent of its solar PV system audits uncover major safety issues, Clean Energy Associates has another bombshell stat: Reporting major safety issues in 97% of 600 solar rooftops audited.

Those 600 rooftops are scattered around 12 countries, spanning North America, Europe, the Middle East, Asia and Australia. The top safety concerns include…

  1. Ground issues,
  2. Damaged modules,
  3. Cross-mated connectors,
  4. Poor terminations, and
  5. Improperly assembled connectors

Be sure to check out the full report here, which has photos of examples and explains how each type of safety issue happens.

Also, reminder that the “What’s Going Wrong?” section in our Q1 2023 magazine explores these issues and much more. You can subscribe and read the digital edition right here:

— Solar Builder magazine

[source: https://solarbuildermag.com/news/cea-reports-major-safety-issues-in-97-percent-of-solar-rooftop-audits/]


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