Green Lantern Solar rings up robust solar project development plan for 2023

solar planning

In brightest day, in blackest night, Green Lantern Solar is shining its light on growth for 2023. After a strong 2022, the renewable energy development and finance company is focusing on expanding its solar project development pipeline and adding talent for the future.  

To meet demand in 2023 and beyond, Green Lantern Solar currently has a development pipeline of projects totaling 350 MW in distribution generation and community solar projects, with another 50 MW of utility-scale projects.

“Green Lantern Solar will continue to develop a variety of project types and sizes across multiple geographic regions to ensure a steady stream of shovel ready projects so homes, businesses and schools can rely on clean and affordable energy to offset their fossil fuel consumption,” said Geoff Sparrow, Green Lantern vice president of development. “The Inflation Reduction Act is accelerating steady growth and we’re seeing project deployment happening quickly. Solar is already competitive economically with fossil fuels, and we have to sustain that growth to provide the United States with clean and reliable energy.”

Green Lantern Solar plans to expand its footprint beyond Vermont and the Northeast and develop projects in other states across the United States. With a solid foundation of more than 115 commercial, community and solar + storage projects and more than 65 MW completed, the company will apply its expertise in project origination, development, financing and environmental stewardship to arrays in the new states.

To fund further expansion and development, Green Lantern Solar is raising capital in early 2023.

The company also plans to add to its workforce at a variety of levels in 2023, with a commitment to recruiting for diversity and inclusion, to keep up with the demand for solar across the country. 

“It’s how Green Lantern Solar stays competitive,” Buckley said. “The industry employs more than 250,000 people, and that number is increasing due to demand for solar projects and products. Job growth in the renewable energy industry is outpacing the rest of the economy, and Green Lantern Solar is emerging as a leader among solar companies. 2023 will be one of our best years yet.”

— Solar Builder magazine



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