Innovative Solar Systems looking for investors to expand

Innovative solar systems

One of the largest developers of utility scale solar farm projects in the United States, Innovative Solar Systems LLC, is seeking to raise capital to expand operations. ISS has a portfolio of projects that total over 2 GW and has plans to increase its portfolio to over 5 GW by 2018.

The solar farm industry has experienced dramatic growth over the past 5 years and ISS has plans to be a leader in this industry. “ISS wants to take its business to the next level,” states John Green, ISS CEO. “Obtaining an equity partner would give us the ability to become a dominant player in this market.” The capital would enable ISS to expand quickly and strategically to take projects through to the NTP or COD stages. It would also allow the company to expand into new markets.

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Currently, ISS has approximately 2 GW of solar farm projects in the development stage. A financial partner would enable ISS to secure an additional 3 GW of projects within the next 12-24 months. The company is searching for a firm that would enable ISS to fund the development and advancement of these solar farm projects in about 12 states.

Please contact the company’s CEO, John Green, directly at (828)-215-9064 or email to learn more about this financial opportunity being offered by ISS.

— Solar Builder magazine







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