Opinion: How is Free Energy Premature Technology?

This guest article from Linda Bailey takes a direct look at the issue of global warming and its naysayers, who argue that renewable energy solutions are premature.

Global warming is happening whether you believe it or not. In the early 2000s, it was disbelief of the situation as a whole that spurned the arguments of a “greener” way to live. A decade later, those same people admit the world is changing, but deny human involvement. Regardless of what side of the argument you stand on, there is technology that is being developed by those who believe in sustainability that can improve everyone’s way of life.

hand holding earth

1. Premature? – Most anti-global warming enthusiasts don’t believe in the benefits of using renewable energy sources calling them, “premature” and “inefficient.” These comments can be confusing. Does “premature” mean the technology hasn’t been developed far enough to really be worthwhile, or does it mean that the push for renewable energy is premature since this is a natural evolution of the planet? Maybe it means both to some of these activists.

2. Utility Bills – Whether you believe in manmade global warming or not is irrelevant. There is a viable option to install technology on your home that will allow you to run your technological gizmos. With financing options available, you can be done paying off this technology in just over eight years. If you live in your home for 30, you are living there without paying another electric bill for 22 years. For some of us, that’s a savings of $66,000 and up. How is this premature?

3. Continuation of Technology – Was it premature to purchase the original iPhone as more advanced versions will be out in succession? Was purchasing the original black and white television a fool’s investment for newer color TVs were on the horizon? Technology is released gradually as advancements become available. Granted, some advancements are held back for no other reason than profitability. However, that shouldn’t hold someone back from experiencing new releases as they come out. Why are these people so afraid of renewable energy?

4. Piecemeal for Cheaper Systems – While it can still be somewhat expensive for a family to install a 5.5 kilowatt system if they don’t have the money and a problem with bad credit looms overhead, it doesn’t mean that the entire unit has to be built immediately. It can be quite inexpensive to piece a system together, as available cash permits, to slowly reduce your energy bills. You don’t have to buy a complete sustainable systems package to benefit from renewable energy. How is the cost of implementing this technology “inefficient?”

5. Proven to Work – Because people can become so integrated with their belief structure, they will refuse to look closer at renewable energy sources as a viable option. This is even after it has been proven to be able to save these people a great deal of money in the long run. Are people so frozen with instant gratification that a free and instant solution is the only one they are willing to accept?

It may prove to be next to impossible to sway anyone from a specific belief if they won’t be convinced. Evidence to the contrary can be presented in mass quantities, but the belief will still survive. Those who are unwilling to investigate the possibilities are the ones who wind up holding innovation back. Although belief in a subject isn’t necessarily a bad thing, there needs to be room for being open-minded and seeing a subject from the other perspective.

Author: This post is contributed by Linda Bailey from housekeeping.org. She is a Texas-based writer who loves to write on the topics of housekeeping, green living, home décor, and more. 

Photo: Free Digital Photos

[source: http://feeds.importantmedia.org/~r/IM-greenbuildingelements/~3/OLOaptLS9I4/]


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