Tiny Aquaponics System

on bowl

More and more people are gravitating toward growing their own organic vegetables and fruits, and with various indoor systems designed for the purposed this is getting easier. However, aquaponic, hydroponic and other such setups require quite a bit of space, so they are not an option for a lot of city dwellers and those living small. But now, the Australian design firm Avooq has come up with a solution. They have designed a 3D printed aquaponics system, which is small enough even for tiny apartments and houses.


The system they created is called Cascaqua, which is short for Cascading Aquaponics System. The entire system is not much bigger than a typical fish bowl, yet it is still a perfectly working closed loop ecologically balanced system, in which the plants and fish exist symbiotically, as they help produce organic food.

The design for the system can be downloaded for free from the company’s website and is currently in the patent-pending stage. The main materials needed to make your own Cascaqua system are basically a set of ABS plastic pieces. These can be 3D printed in about 8 hours. The pieces are then assembled on top of a regular fish bowl, while the system also requires a submersible pump and tube, which you must buy separately.



Due to it’s size, this system is more suitable to growing herbs and spices, then lettuce, tomatoes and cucumbers, though I suppose using a bigger tank and adapting the top pieces to it could give you a bigger garden. I guess cherry tomatoes, garlic and spring onions could still be grown in it though. Either way, it’s a unique little aquaponics system, which would make a great addition to any tiny home or apartment, even if it is just to give you a fresh supply of spices year-round.

[source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/jetson_green/~3/w_UIOJF7WyY/tiny-aquaponics-system.html]


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