Update to GBI’s User Agreements

GBI is always looking for ways to improve your user experience and ensure you are in control of your data. We want to let you know about a few changes we made recently to our user agreements that clarify how your project data can be used. 

Here is a summary of the key changes:

  • When you provide GBI with data about a Green Globes, Guiding Principles Compliance, or any other project, we may use that data for analysis, marketing, inclusion in our website directory, and other lawful purposes that support our mission. We may also share your project data with our external partners for the same purpose.
  • Project data includes (but is not limited to) general information about your project, such as the name, location, property type, and owner. It also includes the rating awarded for completed projects.
  • Any data shared with external partners regarding your responses to specific assessment criteria, assessment scores, or building performance will be anonymized. We will never identify your project within these data sets or share your assessment reports without your express permission.
  • If you prefer that GBI does not include your project in our website directory or use your identified project data for any other purpose, you can ask us to de-identify your data by emailing us at info@thegbi.org.

You can review the updated agreements on our website here:

Please note that your continued use of the GBI website at
www.thegbi.org and GBI’s software tools indicates your assent to be bound by these updated agreements. If you have any questions or would like to request to have your project data de-identified, please contact us at info@thegbi.org.

[source: https://thegbi.org/about-gbi/press-room/article/user-agreement]






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